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Whether you already know where and when you want to travel, or can be a bit flexible and are seeking some inspiration, Cheapflights is the perfect place to search for and plan the best trip. The Cheapflights Newsletter is also a great way to keep up with handpicked deals and vacation packages, delivered right to your inbox.
Cheapflights COVID-19 Tips
7 tips to prepare yourself for a future trip
As we face the realities of COVID-19, it’s easy to feel a little lost. And the idea of travel...
What to know about coronavirus (COVID-19) and travel
Travel safety is very important to us. If your upcoming travel plans are impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19), here’s...
10 places to fly this June for less than $350
If you're looking to travel this summer without breaking the bank, we have you covered. Here are 10 places...
10 places where prices are down for summer travel
The weather is warming up and it’s about time to plan that very necessary summer vacation. We dug into...
Allegiant Airlines
Allegiant Air is a low-cost airline founded in 1997. It operates scheduled and charter flights to around 150 destinations...
SAS Airlines
Formally known as Scandinavian Airlines System but now more commonly known as Scandinavian Airlines or just SAS, the airline...
LATAM Airlines
Founded 2012 and headquartered in Santiago, Chile, as well as São Paulo, Brazil, LATAM Airlines Group S.A is a...
Swiss Airlines
Originally founded as Swissair in 1931, Swiss International Air Lines AG is the flag carrier airline of Switzerland. The...
Vietnam Airlines
Vietnam Airlines is the main carrier of Vietnam. It was founded in 1956 under the name Vietnam Civil Aviation...