
Summer officially kicks off this weekend, and we’re helping you celebrate the season with these 10 cheap things to do.

Play a round of mini-golf at the worlds most unusual course

Start your summer off with a round or two at Par-King Skill Golf in Lincolnshire, Ill. Dubbed the world’s most unusual course for its elaborate designs and intricate details, Par-King will take your mini-golf game to the next level.

Dig into a fresh scoop of ice cream

We all scream for ice cream when summer rolls around, but don’t settle for what the local ice cream truck is peddling. Instead, go straight to the source this summer with a visit to MOOmers Homemade Ice Cream in Traverse City, Mich., where you can enjoy a scoop of their iconic Cherries Moobilee as you sit on the porch and watch the dairy cows graze on the neighboring farm.

Kick back on a hammock on Governors Island

Put your feet up this summer on New York City’s Governor’s Island, which opened to the public for the summer season last month. Make a beeline for the island’s Hammock Grove, where 50 red hammocks lie in wait to help you start the summer off right.

Dive into a swimming hole

Forget the water parks: cool off this summer the old-fashioned way with a dive into a local swimming hole. Check out these 11 swimming hole picks from around the world.

Camp out at a national park

Explore the red rocks of Utah’s Arches National Park. See Old Faithful do its thing at Yellowstone. Or finally cross the Grand Canyon off your travel bucket list this summer. No matter which park you pick, a summer getaway to a national park is sure to be a memorable one.

Take a road trip

Is the Americana and nostalgia of Route 66 calling your name? Maybe the tranquil coastlines of California’s Pacific Coast Highway are more your style. No matter the destination, there’s no better way to travel in summer than with a road trip across the country.

Enjoy a movie under the stars

Summer usually brings big screens to parks across the country. You’ll find free movie screenings throughout the Big Apple this summer, while San Diego and San Francisco will keep you entertained on the West Coast.

Enter a sandcastle competition

Flex your creative muscles at the beach by entering one of the many sandcastle competitions held all season long. At Oregon’s Siletz Bay Sandcastle Contest in August, the entry fee is just a donation of a canned food item. Competitions will also be held at Washington’s Long Beach and San Diego’s Imperial Beach in July.

Get your seafood on

Summer is definitely the season to get your seafood on, whether you choose to enjoy a lobster roll along Maine’s coast, fried shellfish from a clam shack in New England or a table flowing with crawfish, potatoes and corn at a backyard boil in New Orleans.

Explore the city on two wheels

The weather is finally warm, so why not take advantage of the sunshine and enjoy a new destination from behind a set of handlebars? Plenty of hotels offer free bicycle rentals, and cities like Miami and Denver also offer city-wide bikeshare programs. Grab yourself a set of wheels and get exploring this summer.

How do you plan to ring in the summer? Let us know in the comments!


(Featured image: Astrid Photography)

About the author

Marissa WillmanMarissa Willman earned a bachelor's degree in journalism before downsizing her life into two suitcases for a teaching gig in South Korea. Seoul was her home base for two years of wanderlusting throughout six countries in Asia. In 2011, Marissa swapped teaching for travel writing and now calls Southern California home.

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