
The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step — so why not make it a memorable one? All around the world, stairs are being transformed into artwork through paint, origami and tiles. Check out some of the world’s most beautifully decorated steps below.

Istanbul, Turkey

Steps are painted in the bright hues of the rainbow on this staircase in Istanbul.

Angers, France

The steps leading to Montee St. Maurice were covered in origami during a street art project in 2013.

San Francisco, California, United States

Tiles cover this staircase on Moraga Street in Golden Gate Heights.

Valparaiso, Chile

These stairs in Chile have a whimsical note, thanks to the piano motif.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Known as Escadaria Selaron, this mosaic staircase was created by artist Jorge Selaron as a tribute to the Brazilian people.

Just for fun

This social experiment by Volkswagen transformed an ordinary staircase into an interactive piano to see if people would take the stairs over the escalator if it were more fun. See the results for yourself:


(Main image: lpcmidst0128)

About the author

Marissa WillmanMarissa Willman earned a bachelor's degree in journalism before downsizing her life into two suitcases for a teaching gig in South Korea. Seoul was her home base for two years of wanderlusting throughout six countries in Asia. In 2011, Marissa swapped teaching for travel writing and now calls Southern California home.

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