
The summer is nearly over, and kids will be back in the classroom in a matter of days. And that means moms and dads, well any adult really, can get away kid-free and enjoy the tail end of the summer, all at a reasonable price. Here’s our pick of five great cities all at their best when school’s in.

Istanbul, Turkey

Having kids in tow sometimes means forgoing the culture that you’re desperately seeking. Famously the point where West meets East, Istanbul is a great destination for adults looking to indulge their minds with museums and taste buds with exotic fare all on a schedule not oriented around meal and nap times.

Lisbon, Portugal

Young pallets aren’t always the most accepting of adventurous foods. And that can be a real drag in a city like Lisbon, known for its fresh and exotic seafood. Take the chance to savor local delicacies like goose barnacles with a nice glass of house white.

Barcelona, Spain

One of Europe’s cultural jewels, Barcelona attracts a lot of tours, not least from school trips. You can avoid the bulk of them with a trip at the beginning of the academic year, when barely any European schools make the trek. It might just be the only time of year you can admire Gaudi’s masterpieces in relative peace (the distant and not-so-distant chorus of scooter horns aside).

Buenos Aires, Argentina

While many of Europe’s hot spots are cooling down to a comfortable temperature, the best of the Southern Hemisphere is just warming up. September provides just the weather for gorging on a huge steak, glugging red wine by the gallon and busting out those tango moves you always planned to learn.

Beijing, China

Beijing’s got a serious number of sights. Seeing them all means rushing around, making decisions on the fly and putting aside practicalities like lunch and comfort breaks – a style of traveling that’s anything but child-friendly. What’s more, you need all the focus you can muster to take on board all that culture – fielding the questions of inquisitive youngsters doesn’t help.

Written by insider city guide series Hg2 | A Hedonist’s guide to…

(Image: superUbO)

About the author

Brett AckroydBrett hopes to one day reach the shores of far-flung Tristan da Cunha, the most remote of all the inhabited archipelagos on Earth…as to what he’ll do when he gets there, he hasn’t a clue. Over the last 10 years, London, New York, Cape Town and Pondicherry have all proudly been referred to as home. Now it’s Copenhagen’s turn, where he lends his travel expertise to

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