
When the middle of the workweek is monotonous enough to inspire a flight search, a cheap getaway is in order. Cheap weekend getaways and last-minute getaways are published on Mondays and Tuesdays typically, depending on the airline. Conveniently enough, Cheapflights has done the hard work for you, aggregating flight deals on our blog and hand-picked packages on Beyond the flight, determining what kind of trip you want to take can add up to major savings. Consider a lower-priced beach spot, or a mountain retreat that requires a tent, groceries and little more. We’ve compiled insider tips to help your confidently press ‘book flight’ the next time a getaway seems necessary.


Cheap getaways

Cheap Weekend Getaways
Last Minute Getaways


(Featured image: skynoir)

About the author

Melisse HinkleA New England native but explorer at heart, Melisse has traveled throughout North America, biked through rice paddies in Bali, seen the Northern Lights in Iceland, walked alongside llamas in Machu Picchu and made her way around Europe while studying abroad in London. She is the Head of Content and Social Media for North America at Cheapflights.

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