
Oftentimes, our greatest travel experiences aren’t planned — they’re a beautiful result of a bit of serendipity. When you let go of planning and embrace being a spontaneous traveler, you never know what might come of your journey, but it’s often unforgettable. If you want to stop being a slave to your itinerary and give into the excitement of the unknown, check out our tips on how to become a more spontaneous traveler.

Keep your itinerary flexible

Spontaneity and flexibility go hand in hand. While you can’t always help needing to travel on specific dates, you’ll be much freer to be a spontaneous traveler if you can give yourself an extra day or two of leeway before or after your trip. This flexibility leaves you open to changing your travel plans if a last-minute invitation or opportunity arises during your trip.

Let go of the details of your travel plans

This is easier said than done, especially if you’re usually the type of traveler who needs to pinpoint an itinerary down to the last minute, but letting go of strict travel plans is the only way you allow room in your journey for spontaneity. Nail down the basics like how you’ll get to your destination and where you’ll stay, but beyond that, let go of planning out every single detail of your trip. Have an idea of what you’d like to experience while you’re there, and let the opportunities come to you. You’ll be surprised with how letting go allows you to fully enjoy your journey.

Get off the Internet

Okay, maybe not entirely, but spending too much time on online review sites can easily keep you from experiencing a spontaneous adventure. By reading all about other travelers’ experiences at certain restaurants, attractions or hotels, you let their experience influence your own — before you even get to the destination. If you’re spending all of your planning time scouring review sites, you also do yourself a disservice as you’ll only be focusing on the tourist-heavy spots that earn the five-star ratings. Don’t let online reviews control where you do or don’t go on your trip.


Without a strict itinerary or online reviews controlling your trip, you’re free to do something that’s imperative to any spontaneous trip: wander. Go on, roam down that cobblestone alleyway. Follow your nose into a nameless hole-in-the-wall restaurant. Hop on a local bus and see where it takes you. When you take time to explore without a specific destination in mind, you can enjoy what the journey brings your way.

Talk to a stranger or two

Whether it’s locals or fellow travelers, a stranger may quickly become a newfound travel buddy — and who knows what they may be able to share with you. By chatting up those who cross your path on a trip, you could discover a hidden gem of a restaurant that you’d never find online or perhaps score an invitation to a local tradition that no guidebook could offer you. Consider that everyone you meet has something to add to your travels, and you never know what adventures you may enjoy just because you made small talk.

Be willing to say “yes”

The key to being spontaneous on your travels is maintaining a “yes” attitude. Shying away from opportunities that come your way won’t add excitement and adventure to your trip, but saying yes to joining a pick-up game of rugby at a local park or accepting an invitation to a local potluck will. Let go of your hesitations regarding the unknown and try to say yes to great opportunities that arise.

How do you allow yourself to be a more spontaneous traveler? Let us know in the comments!


(Main image: craigallyn)

About the author

Marissa WillmanMarissa Willman earned a bachelor's degree in journalism before downsizing her life into two suitcases for a teaching gig in South Korea. Seoul was her home base for two years of wanderlusting throughout six countries in Asia. In 2011, Marissa swapped teaching for travel writing and now calls Southern California home.

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