
Baltimore has been somewhat of an East Coast misfit, possessing neither the timeless glamor of New York, nor the polish of Washington, D.C. Yet, like a phoenix from the ashes, Baltimore is making a comeback from years of social plight and industrial decline as a vibrant, creative hub of art, food and literature.

Lexington Market

Regarded by many as an example of the “real” Baltimore, Lexington Market is a thriving historical market situated in the heart of downtown. Foodie highlights include Mexican Delight, famous for its gargantuan burritos and fried ice cream, and Berger Cookies – a Baltimore specialty.

(Main image:  © Pontuse/iStock/Thinkstock) Written by insider city guide series Hg2 | A Hedonist’s guide to… whose guides cover all the best hotels, restaurants, bars, clubs, sights, shops and spas

About the author

Elizabeth GourdElizabeth suffers from an acute case of wanderlust, which no amount of traveling or adventure can cure. She has lived in London, New York and Berlin, and is currently a writer for Hg2 | A Hedonist's Guide To...

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